>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

Please Take that Bread Basket Away from Me!

I am a bright intelligent woman.

I surround myself with bright intelligent women.

So, why in the world, when I am out with them, do they ask ME to HIDE the bread?

Or move the dessert away from them?

Do they actually believe that if the bread is too close, it will jump in their mouth?

I am sorry to report that the answer is yes!

These same women that run businesses and save lives THINK that if they’re too close to these BAD foods they cannot control themselves.

Oh! The horror of the mind when it does whatever it wants.

Because that’s exactly what is happening.

The mind thinks the thought, “I can’t control myself around certain foods” and before you know it… YOU are out to prove it.

I believe the smarter you are, the stronger your mind.

It’s either working for you or against you.

I love helping brilliant women use their brilliance to help themselves NOT as ammunition against themselves.

I used to think like this… I wouldn’t keep these foods around.

I wouldn’t sit too close to them.

I wouldn’t put them on my plate.

I would restrict and deprive myself for months.

Because I thought I couldn’t control myself any other way.

I was wrong… I CAN!

AND I know you can too…

Are you ready to use your brilliance to help you get what you really really really want?

I help unbelievably smart women learn this little secret… Your mind lies to you 24/7… so you better be ready to discipline it and set it straight!

If you can run a company, save a life, educate and raise children… you can discipline your mind… IF YOU THINK YOU CAN.

This is the only way to permanent weight loss. Trust me!

Dr. Deb
