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Ep 210 How to Manage Urges During These Times


What do you think of the times we’re in?

Do you find yourself having even more urges to eat when you’re not hungry?

Has your normal routine changed?

What do you think of that?

This is a letter I received from one of my precious previous clients:

Hi. Once again, I enjoyed your podcast and Jeanne’s journey. Thank you!

I wonder if you might want to address in a future episode managing urges to eat for comfort or to buffer negative emotions about the situation in the world, and what you are advising clients to think about to manage their minds when they find themselves engaging in that behavior.

I have found myself choosing to eat when not hungry during this time. Saying to myself, you’re not hungry, and nevertheless eating anyway. I know I will come back to being connected to my body, but I have found this new way of life, being at home all day, challenging.

I thought you might be having some of these same thoughts, too.

In this episode I dedicated to answering her letter. I hope this might help you too.

Enjoy the show!

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