>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

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Discover my best menopausal weightloss advice and insights.


Feeling tired all the time? If you’re in your fifties and going through menopause, you might be nodding your head right now.  Believe me, I get it.  When I was going through that phase, it was rough.

But here’s the good news that I want to share with you:  It gets better!  In fact, I recently discovered a new groundbreaking book by Lisa Mosconi PhD, called “The Menopause Brain: New Science Empowers Women to Navigate the Pivotal Transition with Knowledge and Confidence” suggests that for most women, brain fog clears up after a couple of years post-menopause. There’s even more good news – on average, women tend to be happier after menopause than they were in their younger years!

In this episode, I share my experience and tips to help you navigate menopause with more ease. Especially in our fifties, we can sometimes become disconnected from our bodies’ signals.  We might not pay attention to hunger cues or ignore early signs of fatigue.  In my view, this is where the concept of becoming a “body whisperer” comes in. I believe this practice can be incredibly helpful during menopause, not just for weight management but for overall well-being.

So, this week, why not join me on a journey to becoming a body whisperer?  Let’s listen to those quiet whispers and see how much better we can feel. Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why brain fog is a common but temporary symptom of menopause
  • How to use the “body whisperer” technique to manage weight and overall health
  • Practical tips for getting better sleep, reducing stress, and boosting energy levels
  • How to approach hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to find what works best for you

Feeling like a successful, powerful woman shouldn’t mean battling the scale in menopause. Yet, so many women experience sudden weight gain during this life transition. Josephine, a listener just like you, wrote in feeling defeated by her urges. But what if there was a way to understand your urges instead of just fighting them?

In this episode, I’ll unveil a powerful tool: the urge measurement scale. You’ll learn how to rate your cravings on a simple number system, giving you valuable insight into their intensity. This newfound awareness is the first step to mastering your urges, not the other way around. Imagine feeling empowered to make conscious choices, finally breaking free from the cycle of emotional eating.

Ready to ditch the diet struggle and reclaim control over your weight? Tune in now and discover the secret weapon to conquering menopausal weight gain! Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Josephine’s letter to me regarding urges.
  • How to view urges on a number scale.
  • Exercises for urge management awareness.

Struggling with a stubborn number on the scale and emotional eating, especially at night, can be incredibly discouraging during menopause. 

In this episode, I will still talk about the concept of equanimity, an over two thousand year old Buddhist practice that can help you develop a calmer relationship with the scale and food – especially when the numbers aren’t what you want to see. 

I will also explore how to  reframe plateaus from roadblocks into opportunities for growth. Imagine stepping on the scale with curiosity, not fear.  I’ll share tools to  cultivate a peaceful relationship with food and your body.

Break free from the scale drama and achieve lasting weight loss. Listen to this episode and discover the power of equanimity in your menopause weight loss journey! Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How your thoughts about the scale can impact your weight loss journey.
  • Why plateaus might not be what they seem and how to approach them differently.
  • Powerful strategies to develop equanimity with food and the scale, leading to more peace and sustainable weight loss.

Are you battling stubborn weight gain during menopause? Feeling frustrated by diets that just don’t work anymore? Brenda, a woman like you, was in the same boat. Despite her best efforts, the scale refused to budge, and her relationship with food felt hopeless. But then, she discovered a powerful secret that transformed her life – and it wasn’t another restrictive diet plan.

In this episode, you’ll hear her inspiring story of how she learned to finally break free from food obsession, silence her inner critic, and build unshakeable confidence. It’s a story filled with practical advice and powerful tools you can use right now to start experiencing the same freedom and positive transformation in your own life.

Her newfound confidence and healthy habits are inspiring a ripple effect throughout her family. One sister, battling diabetes, saw her A1C plummet. Another, tired of being the “overweight one,” is finally prioritizing her health.  Brenda even described a moment of revelation for another sister – realizing she wasn’t hungry, but simply following societal cues.

Brenda’s story is more than weight loss; it’s about breaking free from negative thought patterns and rediscovering self-worth. It’s about the power of community and the impact we can have on those around us.  

Are you ready to start your own ripple effect? Listen to this episode and discover how my program can help you achieve lasting transformation, not just physically, but emotionally too. Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The secret weapon that unlocked Brenda’s unshakeable confidence
  • How to break free from emotional struggles and embrace joy
  • The ripple effect of Brenda’s transformation

The key to taking back control of your relationship with food  during menopause isn’t about restriction or willpower, but about achieving a calmer, more balanced relationship with food. 

Imagine viewing that “forbidden” ice cream as simply “ice cream in the freezer.” It sounds good, but you don’t have to have it. By detaching the drama from food, you weaken the urge to overindulge. 

In this episode, I will talk about the concept of equanimity and how this over two thousand year old Buddhist practice can help you achieve food freedom. Equanimity is a state of “mental calmness and composure, especially in difficult situations.” I will explain how equanimity can be applied to food choices, particularly those that trigger emotional eating.

This week, try equanimity with food! Pick a food item that triggers urges, challenge your thoughts by acknowledging it neutrally, and remind yourself that you have a choice. Listen in and learn how equanimity can transform your relationship with food  during menopause.

Remember, you are not at the mercy of your urges. By practicing equanimity, you can take back control and create a peaceful, balanced approach to food!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • My experience at a five-day silent retreat focused on mindfulness
  • Equanimity and its application in meditation and food-related thoughts
  • Dramatic nature of food choices and the impact on desires
  • Practicing equanimity in daily life