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Ep 46 Just Because It’s Hard Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Worth It


I keep coming to the same place where I must make the same decision for myself: Am I worth it or am I not? You do too, even if you’re not aware that you are.

This podcast is always bringing us back to paying attention to what’s going on in our minds without judgment. This is called mindfulness, and what I’m talking about today involves mindfulness but also worthiness.

Are you worth it? Are you worth what it takes to get healthy and or fit? Here’s the thing: When people first hear my podcast, or start coaching with me, they are always excited, because my approach is so different and quite refreshing. But after a while, there’s always this realization, that the work I’m asking of them is hard!

I’m asking them and you to put yourself first and pay attention to YOU. Sounds so good, and so refreshing, but if you’re not used to doing it, then not so easy, I’m afraid. But the result is worth it. You end up with a real, true connection to yourself. And learning to give yourself what you really need.

This always starts with paying attention to what’s going on in you and around you; being in the present moment.

Being in the present moment is a buzz word right now, everyone talks it, but walking this talk takes a lot of practice.

For instance, my stay in Belize, and putting myself first when it comes to eating and food choices took real mindfulness and commitment to myself. I’ve had a lot of practice with this. In this episode, I share my Belizean experience on worthiness and self-care with you.

Enjoy the show.

Follow me on Facebook and see me live on Mindful Mondays with Dr. Deb. Every Monday starting February 13th at 10am CST.

To get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion please go to This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts.

If you like what I’m talking but think you need more guidance, I am offering a free consultation to my listeners to answer any questions you might have about anything I’ve talked about, such as keeping a food journal. Just go to

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