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Ep 22 How Stress Makes You Fat, Especially in Menopause — Part 1


In this episode I go over the effects of stress on your body, specifically talking about the hormone Cortisol and its connection to menopause.

Now, I don’t want you stress out over the fact that stress makes you fat, but I do want you to pay attention! I’m going to assume everyone who is getting this tip is probably under too much stress. (Welcome to the 21st century.)

Fact #1: The main stress hormone in the body is called cortisol. We all need some cortisol in the body just like we need some cholesterol and some insulin. It’s necessary. The problem is when there is too much cortisol in the body in response to too much stress in our lives.

Most researchers say there is an epidemic of chronic stress in this country. It never ends. This means there is always too much cortisol in the body, and here are some of signs it will present (see if you can relate):

  • increased appetite and food cravings, increased body fat (especially around the abdomen!)
  • increased depression, mood swings
  • increased menopausal side effects (hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia)

These are just a few!

Fact #2: Guess what scientific studies have shown regarding one of our biggest stressors? (Drum roll please.)

Dieting and the stress of dieting are causing increased cortisol levels, due to either trying to restrict our food intake (dieting) or trying very hard to avoid something we think we shouldn’t have. Researchers have found this increases our cortisol levels which will make us hungrier and increase our cravings which will ultimately cause us to overeat and then stress out about overeating. It’s an endless cycle.

Also, take note that women producing the most cortisol were not only hungrier, but they also showed an increase in negative moods in response to the stressors (which were significantly associated with food consumption.)

Knowing this, it’s important to eat healthy, but eating is just part of the equation. If you’re eating healthy fuel foods and stressing out, you’re still going to gain weight. Who knew?

Here are ten stress free tips:

  1. Don’t ever go on another diet or deprive yourself. (Eat healthy, and eat every couple of hours, so you’re never starving, that too causes stress.)
  2. Find what brings you joy and start doing it, now! (Neuroscience now suggests the most effective treatment for stress is joy.)
  3. If anything on your list makes you feel bad, replace it with something that makes your body feel good.
  4. Be with the people who matter most in your life.
  5. Get adequate sleep. (Lack of sleep raises cortisol levels and you now know what that means.)
  6. Move your body. (Call it what you want, but it lowers cortisol levels.)
  7. Give from your heart not your head. (Get rid of the word should.)
  8. Drink water, especially when under stress.
  9. Read trash. (Get a book or magazine that has no redeeming social value–enjoy it, it’s like a mini vacation.)
  10. Take a full day off each week. (No work. No thoughts about work.)

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