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Ep 259: What Really Creates Weight Gain


As I’ve been working with the members of my group coaching program lately, I’ve been learning a lot about what really creates weight gain. Two specific feelings will create weight gain for you more than anything you could eat, or any other feeling you can feel, and I’m sharing these with you today.

As you know, your thoughts have a direct impact on the feelings you feel and the actions you take. A diet itself isn’t a problem, regardless of what you choose to eat, it’s how you think about the diet that’s the problem.

Join me this week as I share the two thought errors that cause you the most problems when it comes to gaining weight. I’m encouraging you to consider how you want to feel about the food that you eat and showing you the last thing you ever want to think or believe when it comes to losing weight.

If you want some help losing weight and keeping it off, maybe it’s time you and I talked. Click here to set up a free 30-minute mini-session now! Let’s spend some time together and discover if my coaching is a good fit for what you’re looking for.  

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How your thoughts have a direct impact on your actions.
  • Why you feel restricted and deprived when dieting.
  • How to feel more empowered around food.
  • What erroneous thoughts are and how to manage them.
  • How to make the necessary thought shifts to lose weight.

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