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Ep 314: MVP: Kathleen’s Success Using My Least Understood Tool


Why is it that when we try to lose weight, disparaging ourselves always feels like something that has to be done? “I’m can’t do it!” or “I’ve never done it right and I never will!” are personal favorites among ourselves. But wouldn’t it be easier to lose weight when we stop festering in so much doubt and start being kinder to ourselves?

My client, Katherine, did the same thing when she was working with me. In the beginning, she was her own worst enemy – frustrated and desperate with herself. But she had a thought: If she never thought twice about treating her loved ones with respect and kindness, why won’t she do the same for herself? Life is gonna keep going. You may not be able to control the happenings of life, but you can control how you want to manage what’s happening in it.

So join us for this inspiring episode as Kathleen opens up about her emotional journey where she understood the tool of self-kindness to finally be a good friend to herself and never have to lose weight again. She is a living example of handling negative emotions with grace and love, and I hope you’ll be inspired by her story to learn and keep going as well. Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

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What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why Kathleen began working with me.
  • Kathleen’s self-esteem and coaching experience during the pandemic.
  • Kathleen’s positive shift in perception towards herself.
  • Why self-kindness is the reason why Kathleen will never have to lose weight again.

Featured on the Show:

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  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts.
  • Visit my YouTube Channel!
  • Check out the transformations experienced by many of my clients!

Enjoy the Show?