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Ep 332: MVP: Your Past Does Not Define You – Coaching Session with Sara


We allow ourselves to enjoy food in a variety of ways in the belief that we are being kind to ourselves. I understand that in a good mood, you may want to eat something sweet or drink wine with everyone else. But we had no idea that craving food wasn’t always in our best interest.

Today, I’ll read a letter from one of my listeners, Sara and coach her on how to break the cycle of eating for pleasure. Sara also talked about her struggles with body image and a tragic past event that affected the way she saw herself.

She has a lot of experiences to share, so pay attention. Sara had the courage to come and allow me to coach her. I believe it will also hit home with you. Enjoy the show!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

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What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Sara’s struggles with self and body image
  • Sara’s joy eating
  • Sara’s circle sailing of gaining and losing weight
  • Sara’s past traumatic experience

Featured on the Show:

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  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts

Enjoy the Show?