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Ep 395 MVP: How to Develop Your MQ (Mindfulness Quotient)


The holidays are just around the corner! Before you dive into this food-filled season, let’s get to know your MQ or your mindfulness quotient. With all the feasts and parties, you’ll surely need to develop your mindfulness intelligence to overcome weight gain, which you’re probably dreading as early as now. Your MQ can guide you in choosing the right actions and thoughts to lead you to your desired outcome.

In this episode, I throw in a question to help you reflect on how you will approach the holidays with mindfulness. I will discuss some scenarios you might find yourself facing this coming holiday season. I hope this discussion can help you prepare yourself mindfully before all the feasts begin.

Tune in to the episode to learn how you can approach the holidays with a high mindfulness quotient to prevent unwanted weight gain.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the concept of the MQ or mindfulness intelligence.
  2. Learn how to approach the upcoming holiday season with mindfulness.
  3. I share some scenarios that show the importance of developing mindfulness intelligence, especially during the holidays.

Episode Highlights

The Quotients

  • There’s the IQ or the intelligence quotient. It’s a score derived from a standardized test designed to assess human intelligence.
  • There’s also the EQ or the emotional quotient. EQ measures how emotionally aware you are about your feelings and how you think other people feel.
  • Besides IQ and EQ, I created the term MQ, which stands for mindfulness quotient or mindfulness intelligence.

Your MQ

  • It is the ability to observe thoughts and feelings as they are, in a non-judgemental manner.
  • What separates MQ from EQ is that non-judgemental awareness of what’s going on inside you and what’s going on around you.
  • This holiday season, you need to learn how to develop your MQ to fight off the holiday weight gain.

MQ Quiz

  • You’re getting ready to go to a party, and you’re feeling hungry, about a −1 on the physical hunger scale. What do you think, and what do you do?
  • There are three possible outcomes for the question above.
  • The mindful way to approach this is by taking care of your hunger before leaving for the party so that you’re more cautious when you get there.

The First Answer

  • The first answer is to save your appetite for the party.
  • You think you should eat as much as possible, knowing that you’ll never have a chance to eat all the food again.
  • If you do this, you’re going to be a lot hungrier when you arrive, and it can be harder to be mindful when your physical body is so hungry.
  • Hunger can make you compulsive.

The Second Answer

  • The second answer has you feeling sorry for yourself right away because you think about all the food you can’t have because of your diet.
  • When you think this way and feel deprived when you get to the party, it’s easy to think to yourself that it’s just one night, and you deserve to eat all the food.
  • When you feel deprived, it’s more difficult to stay mindful.

The Third Answer

  • The third answer is you decide to eat a little fuel food before coming to the party to be more mindful at the party.
  • You can tell yourself you can eat anything you want at the party as long as you’re hungry.
  • You can pay attention to your food choices and the people around you while also enjoying interacting with people and eating the food you choose.
  • This third answer is the mindful way to approach hunger and food at parties.

The Importance of Developing Your MQ

  • High mindfulness quotient can help you manage your decisions over food. When it’s something delectable and delicious, it can help you choose to enjoy every bite of it, but still not overeat.
  • Despite all the food and people around, which can be distractions, you can stay mindful of your choices.
  • Developing your MQ is crucial, especially in your transition to menopause, to prevent the associated weight gain.

5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

“What if you made the intention that this holiday season, you were going to decide ahead of time that things are going to be different starting now?”

“Just by the thought that you’re going to save your appetite creates the environment and the result of not being able to control yourself.”

“When you feel deprived, there is a part of you that will open up and jump in and say, what the heck, it’s just one night, and you deserve it. That is not being mindful at all.”

“When you get to that plus two, you pause. You pause before you decide what you’re going to eat and you see what’s going on inside of your head. Non judgmentally, you just watch it.”

“The higher your MQ, the lower your body weight, really, because you know by now that what goes on in your mind affects your feelings, affects how you treat yourself, and affects the overall result.”

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