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Ep 438: How To Truly Enjoy Your Celebrations Without Falling Into The Trap Of Overeating


Now, I’ve got my birthday, my anniversary, and my husband Michael’s birthday all happening around the same time, and I used to see this as a reason to overindulge and disconnect from my body. But let me tell you, I’ve learned a much better way—one that lets me celebrate fully without the weight gain and regret.

We’re talking about the power of savoring today. By slowing down and really enjoying every bite of food and every special moment, you can stay connected to yourself and actually enjoy these celebrations even more. This simple shift in how you think about food and moments has made my celebrations more meaningful, and I want the same for you.

As I get ready to celebrate another year of marriage with my husband, I’m all about savoring each and every moment—not just the food, but the time spent together. And that’s what I want for you, too. By learning to manage your mind and savor your experiences, you can create more joy in your life without the guilt. So, tune in and discover how you can make your celebrations better than ever! Enjoy the show!

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What You’ll Learn From This Episode

  • Tips on enjoying celebrations without overeating or losing control.
  • How to eat for pleasure by savoring food slowly and stopping when satisfied.
  • Enjoying food and moments more deeply by being mindful and slowing down.
  • Staying connected with your body to avoid overeating.
  • Using gratitude to feel more joy and make good moments last longer.
  • Understanding that joy is created by how you think, not just by what you eat or do.


Featured on the Show:

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  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts
  • Check out the transformations experienced by many of my clients!
  • I have a new course coming soon! Click here to be the first to know.


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