>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

Ep 441: Resetting Your Eating Habits and Listening to Your Body


For years, I was caught in the cycle of dieting, using food to manage emotions, and not truly listening to my body. Menopause made things even harder, and I realized I needed to change my relationship with food. 

In this episode, I’m sharing an interview I did with Nikki Burnett on “Taste Life Nutrition Radio & Podcast,” where I share my own story of being a chiropractor for over 30 years, struggling with my weight, and finding peace with food through mindful eating. I talk about how we can understand hunger and fullness using a personalized scale. I explain the problems with losing weight during menopause and why traditional diets often don’t work. I introduce my ThINNER Peace Process, which starts with changing how you think before changing your body. We cover the steps of RETHINK, RESET, and REINVENT to help you improve your relationship with food, accept menopause, and find lasting wellness.

If you’re ready to stop dieting and want to learn how to trust your body, this episode gives you easy tips, personal stories, and inspiring ideas to help you make positive changes. You don’t need another diet; you need a new way of thinking about food and your body.

Link to Nikki Burnett:  

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Now, go listen to the podcast. Click here to listen to the 1st episode. It’s the best place to start!

Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!

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What You’ll Learn From This Episode

  • The common misconception that weight loss equates to health.
  • How menopause complicates weight management
  • Body signals: hunger and rest, and how this awareness can lead to better health outcomes.
  • How the way we talk to ourselves and our underlying beliefs impact our relationship with food and our bodies.
  • Learning how to enjoy non-nutritious foods without overindulging or experiencing guilt.
  • The ThINNER Peace Process
  • How metabolism changes with age body’s appetite signals.


Featured on the Show:

  • If you’re listening to this and loving everything I’m talking about, then tell people why they should listen! Go to Apple Podcasts to review this podcast. Thank you!
  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts
  • Check out the transformations experienced by many of my clients!
  • I have a new course coming soon! Click here to be the first to know.


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