>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

The Power of Mindfulness in Weight Loss After 50


Are you tired of dieting and seeing no lasting results? Menopause can make weight loss feel even harder, but what if the real problem isn’t what you’re eating—but how you’re eating?

In this episode, I’m talking about why traditional diets fail and how you can take a different approach. I’ll explain the difference between physical and emotional hunger, why mindfulness is a game-changer, and how reconnecting with your body can change everything. You’ll also learn about my Thinner Peace process—a simple method that helps you stop dieting for good and create real, lasting habits.

If you’re ready to stop dieting and start living, this episode is for you. Plus, don’t forget to join me for Jumpstart Wednesdays—a free, live class where I’ll teach, answer questions, and help you put these principles into practice. Sign up at Enjoy the show!

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What You’ll Learn From This Episode

  • Why traditional diets don’t work long-term
  • The difference between physical and emotional hunger
  • How mindfulness can change your relationship with food
  • The three tools that lead to natural, lasting weight loss
  • How to stop dieting and start trusting your body

Hi, I’m Dr. Deb Butler and you are listening to Thinner Peace and Menopause and Beyond. This is episode

Welcome to thinner Peace and Menopause and Beyond. This is Dr. Deb Butler, master life and weight coach, and as
always, your coach. If you’re a woman and you’re smart and you’re successful and you’ve been struggling with
weight your whole life and now menopause causes making it harder than ever and you are ready to make this the
last time you ever have to go on a diet again, then this.

Podcast is for you.

Stay tuned.

Well, hello all my dear friends all over the world. Welcome back. You can see me and you can hear me now, so you
can always see me on YouTube or you can listen to me wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. We’ve been
talking a lot about in the last few episodes about jumpstart your weight loss and menopause and how you can get
my free guide, Jumpstart yout Weight Loss and Menopause, so that you can follow along with me in my podcast.
Now, what I’m going to do if you want to jumpstart your weight loss and menopause is I’m introducing Jumpstart
Wednesdays. That means that every Wednesday at 1:00pm Central Standard Time, you can come and be with me.
It’s like a Facebook Live, only we’re not going to do Facebook, we’re just going to do it on Zoom.

So I’ll send you a Zoom link and all you have to do is sign up if you want to learn more about how to jumpstart your
weight loss and menopause by letting me teach you and letting me answer questions for you or coach you every
Wednesday starting next week. So if this is interesting to you and you’re ready to jumpstart your weight loss and
maybe you have already gotten the guide, but you want some more guidance like my guidance, since this is my
process, the centerpiece process. You’d like to learn how to use the centerpiece process by really helping me one
one teach you and answer your questions by gathering in one place on Zoom. You can go to
forward/jump and you can sign up and you’ll get the link and you can meet me starting next week.

Every Wednesday I’ll have different topics that I’ll talk about and then I’ll answer your questions so that you always
have a jump start every single week on doing my centerpiece process. Now if this is your frst time here and you
don’t know what I’m talking about. The most important thing about what I call my thinner piece process, or the inner
piece process is how to create peace within yourself around food. It’s really about making peace with food. And if
you’re anything like I was and you’ve been struggling with weight your whole life and now menopause is making it
harder than ever and you are ready to stop dieting and start living and get reconnected to your body like there is
never going to be a better time, then this is probably the process that you would like to learn.

Most of us want to create peace and most of us would love to be able to have a better connection.

With our body so that we know.

When to eat when we’re hungry and stop when we’re full, which is really exactly what I teach in my jumpstart process
in Centerpiece. And it all starts with, do you know when you’re hungry? And do you know when you’re full? And in the
last couple weeks, I’ve talked a lot about the physical hunger scale, how to know when you’re hungry, and how to
stop when you’re full. And also there is the emotional hunger scale, which I know I’ve mentioned many times over the
400 podcast, but this emotional hunger sometimes is regarded as physical hunger because you have never learned
how to feel or tell the difference. And so the only way you’ve ever been able to really lose weight is.

Through some sort of external source where it’s a diet or something, but it’s.

Not coming internally from you, and so therefore it doesn’t stick. So by the time you hit menopause, if this is what’s
been going on for you, it’s really time to get.

Off of the merry go round. It’s time to stop the insanity, you know, to try to do the same thing and get a different
result. And you’ve been doing it for 30 years.

If you’re anything like me and you’re.

Ready to stop, then start by joining me on Wednesdays and we will jumpstart your weight loss in menopause by
using three simple tools. The frst is the physical hunger scale and the emotional hunger scale and being so
connected to your body that you know the difference. The second most important thing is that I teach you
mindfulness. Mindfulness has been used a lot over these, at least over the past year. But really and truly knowing
what you’re thinking and being aware of what’s going on around you without judgment is so important to eating
when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full. So of course we must cover that. I think mindfulness and
menopause go together. And the third thing is a mind body connection. And I know this is used a lot, but I call it
becoming the body whisperer.

That you’re so in tune to your body that you know when to put it to sleep, that you know when to feed it, that you
know when to take care of the pain, that you can feel your emotions and you can process your emotions. Because
listen, if you can learn to do these things, guess what the side effect of it all is? Weight loss. Weight loss is the side
effect. And the way to do it is through a totally different process, which I call thinner Peace. So if this is interesting to
you’ve been listening to my podcast for a while. Maybe you’ve even done some courses with me. Or maybe you’ve
just been listening to my podcast. Maybe that’s all you’ve done. Or maybe today is the frst day that you’ve ever
listened to me.

Then you’re in luck because you can meet me next Wednesday. You can learn the process. I’ll teach you something,
and I’ll answer your questions every Wednesday. So if you’re ready to jumpstart, you must meet me there.

Remember, it’s Dr. Debbb forward/jump.

You’ll receive the link and I’ll see you next Wednesday. And of course, I would never, ever end this podcast without
telling you. No matter where you go or who you’re with or what you’re doing, please, please be very kind to yourself.

And as always, I’ll see you next week. I’ll talk to you next week on my podcast and hopefully meet you on jumpstart
your weight loss and menopause every single Wednesday. Bye.

Bye. If you’re loving my podcast and you would like some more information to be able to follow along with, then
please go to drdeb change and you can get a free copy of my companion book that goes with this
podcast that I refer to in many different episodes, I.e. Dr. change C H A N G E.