When people primarily think about weight loss, they think about having to make radical changes to themselves through diet and exercise. But oftentimes, the only thing that needs to change is your perception – and this change is what the power of coaching can unlock.
This podcast is designed to help you understand what it’s like to listen to your body and know when something is right for you. I want to talk to you all about how important this is because I was really inspired by my clients who had enough confidence in my abilities and in my program, and decided they deserved to give themselves that chance. It’s not always easy, but knowing your true desires will help keep you motivated through any obstacles that life may throw your way.
The truth is, we’ve been conditioned to see ourselves through the lens of what people expect to see, even though it’s not necessarily a meaningful measurement of health or happiness. But enough about listening to others, and start listening to that knowing feeling inside of your body. Act on it. Say “yes” to yourself, and you will be able to start making the changes you want for yourself just like my clients have. Enjoy the show!
Not sure where to start on your journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together, we can figure out what you need to start, and if I can help you through your weight-loss problems!
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