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Ep 15 Binge Eating: Dealing With The Anger vs Binge Eating


Today we’re going to go deeper into binge eating (in my program I call it storm eating.) I’m using another example of another client who was angry. Anger is the most common feeling women have a hard time dealing with.

I used this client because she’s newer and hasn’t started journaling yet. I want to show you how you can think back on a binge or storm eat, and help yourself understand it better. When you understand what is really going on with YOU, being honest with yourself, you can change. You can decide to be a woman who feels anger and lives to tell the tale.

In this episode you will learn we are all more the same then we are different. You may believe you’re the only one who is so terrible and eats so out of control, but you’re not alone. That’s why I share these stories with you. If you can shine a light on what you fear to be most unlovable part of you, it might actually help you love that part the most. I think that’s how you’ll feel about this client. I think you’ll love her more for sharing this, I know I do.

Enjoy the show!

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