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Ep 11 How to Feel Happy by Creating Joy to Lose Weight


Joy is not in things, it is in us.

In this episode we discuss how much happiness you get from food every day. How much joy do you get from life?


Here’s the thing: many new clients, myself included, thought 70-80% of happiness came from eating. I didn’t realize at the time that means I’m not getting much joy from other things, like my life in general.

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Today I ask you, how much pleasure do you get from food? If it’s over 30% this episode is for you.

Joy is positive emotional vibration in your body. When you feel that positive vibration in your body, food is the last thing on your mind.

Most clients who hire me are not experiencing much joy in their lives, and they think weight loss will bring it on — NOT. Joy comes first. Feeling good comes first. Taking care of yourself comes first. From positive emotion comes positive action. You can’t feel like crap, and take excellent care of yourself. Sorry!! You can’t hate yourself thin.

Most emotional hunger comes from a negative vibration in your body. Experiencing joy on a regular basis is a sure fire way to eat less emotionally. Today, I show how you can go from thinking food is the center of your universe, which is not true, to thinking food is a necessary fuel, and it’s joyful to have enough, but that’s it!

You will see in this episode how you can create joy every day, by how you think.

The feeling of joy doesn’t come from a life experience, but from your thoughts about that experience. That means joy can be created from your mind. I know this is not news to you if you’ve been listening, but let me show you by the end of this podcast you can feel joyful any time you choose!!

Enjoy the show!

If you like what I’m talking but think you need more guidance, I am offering a free consultation to my listeners to answer any questions you might have about anything I’ve talked about, such as keeping a food journal. Just go to

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