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Ep 20 Learn How to Celebrate Without Overeating or Over Drinking


In today’s episode we’re going to cover how to mindfully celebrate without over indulging in food or drink.

So many of my clients and myself really believed we couldn’t celebrate without overdoing food and drink. It was my excuse to lose myself.

Since my birthday, my anniversary and my husband’s birthday all fall within 6 weeks of each other, I used to plan on gaining weight and going back to Weight Watchers in late September when I was through celebrating. Many of my clients think the same way. Hence they’re always on or off a diet.

This episode is dedicated to showing you as you change your thinking into a new belief system, celebrations are just another time to connect more with yourself and the people you are celebrating. You can always enjoy the food by staying more connected with your body and more connected to the event you are celebrating.

It is so freeing to know there is no circumstance where you cannot stay connected to yourself.

As you continue to think this new thought on purpose, the old way of thinking will become pared, or cut off. At first it takes a lot of mindfulness and concentration. Just as when you’re meditating, you always come back to your breath. Every time your mind wanders, you mindfully bring it back. When your mind wanders to the old thought of overeating and celebrating you gently bring it back to this newer believable thought. Pretty soon your mind will go to this automatically. It’s the nature of the brain and neuroplasticity: change your thoughts, change your brain. Change your brain, change your body, one pound at a time, one thought at a time.

This is game changer. Enjoy the show!

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If you like what I’m talking but think you need more guidance, I am offering a free consultation to my listeners to answer any questions you might have about anything I’ve talked about, such as keeping a food journal. Just go to

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