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Ep 27 You Can’t Eat Guilt. Guilt Is Not a Food Group, Especially During Menopause


In this episode we will talk about how guilt comes from your thoughts. If you don’t understand this, I will make it much clearer by the end of this podcast.

My guess is for those of you who suffer from too much guilt, your brain is trained to think the same thoughts over and over again, producing the feeling of guilt.

I can’t think of a better time to retrain the brain than during menopause, because if you don’t, those feelings of guilt get stronger. And if you’re used to eating those strong negative emotions, you might notice you’re gaining more weight and blaming it on hormones.

Your feelings have been there all along, but they are getting stronger because of hormones and to get your attention. It’s time to take responsibility for them.

Menopause is the time to come to grips with how you create guilt with your mind and how you can eradicate guilt by being mindful of your thoughts.

Want to lose weight? Learn to stop eating your emotions. Menopause is the time to stop eating all your emotions. Your emotions aren’t food groups.

Guilt is one of the most common emotions created by women. Most women think it’s what they’re eating in menopause that causes weight gain, but for many of you, it’s what is eating you.

In this episode I give you two different examples of clients who created guilt and how they used the feeling of guilt to eat when they weren’t hungry.

I then show you how, by looking into their minds, they found different thoughts that created different feelings and led to more positive outcomes, which of course meant not eating. It’s really fascinating.

Enjoy the show.

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