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Ep 36 How to Use Empowering Thoughts During the Holidays


I was talking to one of my clients who has not only lost a lot of weight, but really is changed from the inside out. She is successful in many areas of her life but when she came to me, she felt powerless with her weight gain. She had been on endless diets, and was ready to get off the rollercoaster once and for all.

5 months later, she is off the rollercoaster and now connected to her body. She has realized her powerful mind that made her successful in other areas of her life was that same mind and thoughts she has now used to help her lose weight and to reconnect to her body. I love her courage and determination.

Her most empowering thought that she uses on a regular basis is, “Will eating this make me feel better or worse?” Once she answers that question to herself, she then decides whether to eat something or not.

This didn’t happen overnight, but after many coaching sessions and noticing the thoughts she was using and leading her to overeat… such as:

  • It’s there I should eat it
  • It’s lunch time
  • I shouldn’t waste it
  • It’s too good to waste
  • And most important… NOT noticing her emotions, and whenever anything felt bad, she would eat it, instead of feel it.

She now can feel any emotion all the way through, good or bad, without eating it. She just says a new thought to herself: “Oh, I’m feeling sad, and that’s ok.” Eating is not even an option to her any more. She has no desire to cover up the feeling-that’s progress. Why should the holidays change that?

Last coaching session she reported to me she was going to “let herself eat more joy food.” She wasn’t going to concentrate on losing any weight, just not gaining. This sounds so familiar, and so diet mentality. Can you imagine my grandson thinking this? I guarantee you whatever he eats he will only eat so much. Depending on what he eats will very much depend on when and what he eats at the next meal. I’ve noticed with him that sometimes he eats a lot and sometimes he barely eats at all. His body is dictating, nothing else.

Now with my client what she did was really fascinating her, because she really didn’t eat more joy food and was happily still losing more weight. This got my attention, I know it doesn’t sound very poisonous, but here’s the deal: Why change the way you think during a holiday season, or travel or celebration? The way you relate to your body never changes. Let’s say she eats more joy food, but listens to her body all the way. Maybe when the time comes, she won’t even desire it, or maybe her body will feel sated, and say no thank you.

This is what she’s learned how to do for the last 5 months, why change for the holiday season? This is erroneous, poisonous thinking. She’s already done long out of the country vacations, she’s been to parties, she socializes all the time. These are the thoughts and questions that serve her now:

  • How will it make me feel if I eat it?
  • Do I really want it?
  • Am I hungry?
  • I’m feeling sad and that’s ok
  • I’m feeling bored, eating isn’t going to help it, I’ll still feel bored after I eat, and feel worse physically

What’s the difference with it being the holiday season? It really is all in your mind. Why do you want to change your thinking just for the holidays?

Sebastian won’t. I won’t and hopefully you won’t either. If you’ve been using my tools, then the holidays will just be the holidays, and you and your body will just stay connected. Sometimes you might eat more and sometimes you might eat less.

If you mindfully watch your thoughts and direct them to the feelings and results you desire; your actions will match your thoughts.

No matter where you are in your journey of getting to know your body better, either to lose weight and or just be more healthy and fit and happy, the holiday season is a wonderful time to learn true connection to your body.

When you take the struggle of food out of the equation, the holidays really can be more peaceful, at least inside, and if you’re practicing mindfulness and working on increasing your MQ the holidays are even a better time for you. It’s like taking your final exams. It’s everything you’ve learned with me so far with these podcasts or in coaching and applying the same principles. Nothing in your head really needs to change, and if does like it did for my client, then through awareness and your MQ, you direct your mind back to the thoughts that will serve you the best:

  • How will this make me feel?
  • I can have it if I want it, but do I want it?
  • I’ll eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full
  • I will joyfully enjoy any joy food, if I really want it
  • I will never leave my own body
  • I can feel any feeling without eating it
  • It’s just an urge and it will pass
  • Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it will make me feel good

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If you like what I’m talking but think you need more guidance, I am offering a free consultation to my listeners to answer any questions you might have about anything I’ve talked about, such as keeping a food journal. Just go to

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