>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

Ep 44 Failure is Not an Option When it Comes to Weight Loss


In this episode, we discuss how changing the way you think about your weight loss journey, can change your journey.

I tell you about a client who adapted that thought in her business and it created a very successful business. But when it came to her personal care and weight loss, she believed she would fail before she began.

I also use this mindset with my groups, read below as I explain how this can change everything in your weight loss journey.

Failure is Not an Option

Lately I’ve had some women in my groups who have put it all together and started losing weight. Depending on whom you’re talking to, this has had a positive effect and a negative effect. The ones who are now starting to lose weight are thrilled, but some of the ones who are not quite yet there feel like they are failing. In fact, one woman in my group said she felt like quitting, because she wasn’t losing weight.

It’s true that part of what this program is involves weight loss, but it’s so much more than that, as this woman already knows. Ask her on a good day about the program and she can tell you about dozens of positive changes in her life. It’s when women start comparing themselves to others that the negative feelings and doubts come up.

One thing I know for sure is real change must start on the inside for it to be long lasting. How long does that take? It depends. Everyone’s body and metabolism is different. But what I’ve also noticed is how we respond to changing is also different. Some people are fast starters and some are somewhere in the middle, and some just slow. Does that mean the slow ones are a failure just because they are not doing it as fast, or does it mean that when they do change, it will stick even more?

That issue brings up the story about another woman in one of my groups. She hadn’t lost any weight yet, but she was giddy with excitement. She wouldn’t use that word; she’d think it’s TOO positive. But that’s what I saw! Why was she so happy? She could see her changes so clearly, and she was sort of shocked at herself. She was cooking all these beautiful vegetables for herself. A few short weeks before, she’d never have dreamed of that kind of change. As she would have told anyone who asked, “I’m just cooking for me.”

In the past, she believed she wasn’t worth it, and it was too much trouble. Now she couldn’t wait to get to the grocery store and find interesting healthy foods to cook just for her. (What a concept!) And she was exercising, and not complaining about it. What will this behavior produce in the end, if this is the way she lives her life? Better health? Weight loss? But what came first? She changed on the inside first, she knew what would happen, and so did I! She was so excited, and it’s contagious.

So, here’s my question to you: what is failure? I think it’s giving up, period! What I’ve said many times in many of my talks and materials, “With Dr. Deb there is no such thing as failure.” I mean it! The only way you can fail is by giving up. If you keep one foot in front of the other and take baby steps in the direction we’re working on, you’ll get there. It’s the only thing that can possibly happen. So, hang in there…

Failure is not an option!

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