>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

Ep 98 Planning is Freedom!


Most of us believe we want to have freedom around food in any situation, and to be free means not having to plan, but be spontaneous.

In this episode we talk about how different parts of the brain work.

When you plan ahead, you use your prefrontal cortex. There are no emotions or urges.

Give yourself the gift of planning ahead of time for joy eating, fuel eating, and exercise, and watch how free you become.

You are that important. You must honor your own commitments. You honor them by planning ahead of time and doing what you said you’re going to do.

Your prefrontal cortex will always do what’s best for you. If you go by how you feel in the moment, it may not be what’s best for you. That is not freedom!

Enjoy the show!

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