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Ep 106 Thought Errors: Thoughts That Create Overeating


In this episode, I dive into waking up to what’s going on in our mind. It’s spring time, everything naturally is waking up!

Thought errors are thoughts that create unwanted urges and unwanted actions.

Do you know what you’re telling yourself?

Most people don’t, because they don’t recognize those sentences that are running around in their heads as just thoughts. Those thoughts may not be the truth about anything.

Many of us have unconscious thoughts that are preventing us from having the results of a thin healthy body.

Here are some thought errors to look at. Do you have any of these? Did you know you don’t have to believe them? They are not facts.

  • Eating sweets is part of life.
  • I will be left out if I don’t eat with them.
  • Food is delicious and meant to be enjoyed often.
  • Just this once.
  • It won’t matter.

Listen in as I give you some better thinking thoughts!

Enjoy the show!

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