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Ep 130 How Terri Used Thinner Peace to Lose Weight and Manage Thoughts


Have you ever had these thoughts? “This is too much weight, I’ll never be able to do it.”

Or, “It’s just too much.” And then felt overwhelmed and stopped everything?

You will love this interview with Terri, who lost 87 pounds of weight and thoughts.

Listen in to how she has guided her mind to KNOWING this is the very last time she will ever have to lose weight again.

If Terri can do this, so can you!

Read her letter:

I’ve been listening to your podcast for over a year now and have had great success in changing my thinking. Over the last year I have lost 87 pounds and I feel pretty amazing. I believe that I will probably lose about 20 more pounds before I get to where my body will naturally stay for the rest of my life. When I mentioned this to a close family member, they responded by shaking their head and saying, “You’ll look terrible.”

This surprised me because this person is normally very supportive. (By the way, I don’t believe I will look terrible at all, I will look a lot different than they are used to seeing me.) My question is how to deal with negative comments and change the way I think and respond to them, as I am not used to hearing them.

Thank you for everything you’ve helped me accomplish this year. You’ve been with me every step of the way, and I’m grateful that I found you. Your podcast was the piece of the puzzle that I had been looking for for many years.

Enjoy the show!

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