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Ep 142 Faith and Joy — The Gifts that Keep Giving


In this episode I give you some gifts to think about. How can you create more faith and more joy in your life.

Please take what you want from the following blogs on joy and faith. Use them to direct your mind when it needs to be redirected.

I recently copied someone’s Facebook post about faith and worry because I loved it so much. I want to share this with you today. Unfortunately, I don’t know who that someone is, but I thank them for sharing this and thus giving me the opportunity to share it with you.

Read more here: Give Yourself the Gift of FAITH!

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite stories from one of my favorite teachers, Pema Chodron.

I can’t think of a better gift I could give you during this season, than the mindfulness of each precious moment. My whole message is always about JOY and where it comes from… (hint: YOU)

Read more here: This Precious Moment.

Enjoy the show and more important en-JOY your holiday season.

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