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Ep 263: What Do Urges, Poison Ivy, and Buddhism Have in Common?


In the last episode, I spoke about how your brain is like an unruly toddler. But today I want to give you something else to think about when it comes to urges. I’m bringing you a teaching by Pema Chödrön, who describes an urge, or as she calls it – shenpa – as a hook that you feel in your body.

We have all experienced that feeling where we just have to have that glass of wine or we have to eat that cookie. It’s like our hand reaches out and puts it in our mouth, as though we don’t have control over our own actions. But an urge is like poison ivy, and what happens when you scratch poison ivy? It gets worse.

In this episode, I’m sharing what urges, poison ivy, and Buddhism have in common and showing you why the only way to heal and manage your urges is to not give into them. I discuss the importance of working through discomfort if you want your urges to become weaker, and how to stop feeling controlled by food once and for all.

If you’re ready to take the next step and have your brain coached in order to get the results you want, maybe I’m your coach! Click here to set up a free mini-session with me and find out if I think you’d be a good fit for my program and how I can help you.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

    • Why urges can be thought of like poison ivy.
    • The most loving thing you can do for yourself.
    • Why you must go through discomfort before healing.
    • How to deal with your urges and sit with discomfort.
    • What we can learn from Pema Chödrön.

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