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Ep 399 Thinner Peace Mindset Tips For The Holidays


Ever heard of “Joy Eats”? It’s all about enjoying your favorite treats without going overboard – no guilt trip involved! Think of it like having a slice of cake without polishing off the whole thing.

In this episode we’re diving into the holiday! So, let’s talk about mindset because, let’s face it, we’ve all been there – promising ourselves a fresh start on January 1 while devouring everything in sight during the holidays. But what if we switched it up? What if we believed we could enjoy the festive treats without the guilt? I’m introducing the idea of “Joy Eats” – savoring those delightful goodies without going on an eating rampage. 

Plus, I’ve got a master class coming up on December 6 to help you celebrate without the dreaded weight gain. 

Let’s make this holiday season about self-love, mindful enjoyment, and starting those New Year’s resolutions now. Enjoy the show!

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If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The tendency to disconnect during the holidays and its impact.
  • Yoyo dieting and its effects on weight.
  • Different approach to holiday eating and weight management.
  • Master class focused on celebrating the holidays without gaining weight.
  • The concept of “Joy Eats” and different types of eating (fuel eating, joy eating, storm eating, fog eating).
  • Creating a “pay attention” card instead of a “get out of jail free” card for the mindset.
  • Three steps to start the process of mindful eating during the holidays.


Featured on the Show:

  • If you’re listening to this and loving everything I’m talking about, then tell people why they should listen! Go to Apple Podcasts to review this podcast. Thank you!
  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts
  • Check out the transformations experienced by many of my clients!
  • I have a new course coming soon! Click here to be the first to know.


Enjoy the Show?