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Ep 400 Holiday Mindful Eating


This is Episode 400 of Thinner Peace and Menopause and Beyond! Can you believe it? We’re diving into the holiday season, and I’ve got some thoughts to share.

Holidays can be tricky with food and feelings, right? So, let’s talk about changing our thinking. I’ve got this cool story from my friend Janet Archer about “The Quarter Turn.” It’s all about choosing a positive direction and facing the sun, even in tough moments.

Now, here’s the deal for the holidays: I want you to enjoy your food without the guilt trip. No avoiding or overindulging. How? Start by believing you can eat whatever you want. Seriously. But pay attention to what you really want and savor it. Stop when you’re satisfied—that’s the art of it. Plus I’m hosting a 75-minute class on navigating the holidays without the drama. 

Tune in to this episode for holiday wisdom, mindset shifts, and guilt-free joy with me—your guide to a lighter, happier season! Enjoy the show!

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If you’ve been loving my podcast, please subscribe and review the show. The only way it will pop up to others is when people review it, so if you’re loving it – pass on the good word! 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Reflection on personal thoughts and triggers during the holidays.
  • Three main themes across the 400 episodes: how to know what you’re thinking, how to change your thinking, and sometimes how to stay with your thinking and the associated feelings.
  • Reading from Janet Archer’s book, “An Invitation to Pause,” with a story called “The Quarter Turn.”
  • The importance of being aware of one’s thoughts and making conscious choices, especially during the holiday season.
  • Class on losing weight during the holidays, focusing on the connection between mind and body.


Featured on the Show:

  • If you’re listening to this and loving everything I’m talking about, then tell people why they should listen! Go to Apple Podcasts to review this podcast. Thank you!
  • Click here to get your free copy of the Thinner Peace in Menopause and Beyond Podcast Companion! This will make it even easier to follow along with me on future podcasts
  • Check out the transformations experienced by many of my clients!
  • I have a new course coming soon! Click here to be the first to know.


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