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Real Matters of Consequence

I’ve been reading this prolific book lately, “Awakening Joy”, by James Baraz and Shoshana Alexander. I’m going to share a passage from his book that I just love. I hope it helps you in some way, too.

“In The Little Prince, the simple but profound book by Antoine d Saint-Exupery, the Prince is puzzled by the way grown-ups get so caught up in what they consider such grand “matters of consequence.

Often we are those grown-ups, so busy with important things that we have no time for what the mathematician in the story calls “loafing or balderdash.” What in our lives are the real matters of consequence?

The Real Matters of Consequence

Our child presents us with a drawing for our birthday, our partner prepares a delicious meal, we wake up in the morning to find the first snowfall of the season has transformed the world.

Too often we can barely pause to notice, because we’ve got to get to our next appointment, check our email or finish a project.

Such “matters of consequence” can distort us from recognizing the blessings that life is offering us over and over each day.”

According to Sylvia Boorstein, “Mindfulness is knowing what is happening in this moment and what is happening in me in response to it.”

May you take a moment as you read this and notice what are your “real matters of consequence?”

And then SAVOR them 🙂

In Gratitude,
Dr. Deb
