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Taking the Leap of Faith: Marie’s Success Story

A lot of the work that we do in my coaching program involves learning to manage your mind.

Marie wanted to be at peace around food, no matter what.

She learned that a lot of her urges were just habitual thoughts. Learning to break the cycle and realizing that you can have a thought without acting on it, was a big part of the process for her.

She felt empowered by not acting on her urges!

Our minds are so powerful.

When you can control your mind, what you put in your mouth changes.

Marie, like many of my other clients, noticed that when she finally had the right mindset about her choices, then she was able to achieve her goals.

I would love for all of you to hear Marie’s story because I’m sure you can relate to so much of what she says.

I also want you to remember that thoughts aren’t facts. Lots of urges are just automatic. Your brain is thinking these thoughts out of habit and then creating the feeling that goes with them.

You can change your thoughts then you will be able to create what you want.

If Marie and I can do it, you can too!
