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Your Body is Talking… Are you Listening?

I was feeding my grandson recently. (For me, this is heaven, heaven, heaven!!)

Here’s what I noticed…

His mom is introducing new foods to him all the time. One food at a time to make sure that he has no allergic reactions. Then she waits three days to watch his behavior too.

I also noticed when I was feeding him, there are just some foods he won’t eat. He takes a bite, makes a really funny face and then turns his head away.

It’s like he’s saying, “No thank you.” If I persist he’ll start screaming.

When he likes a food, he takes a bite and opens his mouth again quickly, like he’s saying, “Thank you, I’ll have some more.”

Talking Without Words

His mom’s theory is she gives him as much as he wants, because his body knows. Sometimes he will eat a lot!! Sometimes just a little. He, or should I say, his body, always lets us know.

This is fascinating to me because he can’t say a word–he’s not talking yet–but he, or should I say, his body, communicates so clearly.

Which brings me to YOU and my clients. Most of my clients tell me they can’t stop themselves from eating too much food. They can’t control themselves around their favorite foods.

Yet, I watch Sebastian (my grandson) STOP eating when he’s done EVERY single time.

The difference between YOU and Sebastian?

He’s totally connected to his body.

Your body works exactly the same.

Do you need help reconnecting to your body? Schedule a free mini session with me and let me help you learn to reconnect.

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