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Celebrate Your Appetite… Say Whaaaaat??

I have many clients who complain about their appetites.

But this is what I’ve noticed on my travels through life.

One of the first signs of ill health is loss of appetite.

In your experience, what do you notice is usually the first thing to happen when your kids or grandkids get sick?

They stop eating, right?

What’s the first question a Dr. asks when they see a child? How’s the appetite?

Have you noticed with your friends or parents who might be going through an illness, that once they complained about their big appetites, and they now have none?

How they wish they had those appetites again.

What if you could celebrate your good appetite for what it is… good health?

Maybe it’s your appetite for life that needs adjusting and exploration, and your appetite for food is just fine, in fact fabulous!!

Here’s the truth: Healthy people usually have a “good” appetites, and unhealthy people usually don’t.

Just for today if your appetite is good…

Celebrate it, be grateful for it, enjoy feeding your body. Enjoy your good health!

If you have an unfulfilled hunger for something else in life, don’t get that confused with your healthy appetite for food.

That is called emotional hunger and there is no amount of food that can fill it! So, for pete’s sake, don’t try!

Do you want help separating your emotional hunger from your physical hunger?

Click right here and watch my video!

Here’s to your health!

Dr. Deb

I’m going back to the basics to help myself, and I’d like to share with you (complimentary) the first session of my Free  At Last Program. 

Sign Up TODAY to get session 1 for FREE

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