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Coaching in the Woods!

I have a very educated, busy, busy client. I love her dearly!

She has a hard time making time for herself.

Her mission in life, since she’s been a young girl was to help people. She does that now with gusto!

She would like to be thinner and healthier.

She told me she loves nature and walking but doesn’t make the time.

She never misses an appointment with me.

I had a light bulb moment!!! I asked her if she’d like our next session to be at a park where we could walk and talk in the woods?

Wowza! So, that’s what we do now. We walk, talk and connect to the nature around us.

It seems to me by all her epiphanies that being in nature and moving her body is helping her to be more connected to her own spirit.

It feels like a privilege to be witnessing this. It seems to me that the deer and birds and maybe even the trees in the woods are helping to guide her spirit.(stay with me:)).

Walk and Talk in the Woods

Do you need to move and reconnect to yourself?

Do you love nature but just can’t find the time?

You wanna walk and talk with me?

Just click here and lets have a powerful free chat and see if this might be good for you!

Have a beautiful day!
Dr. Deb
