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Wine: EnJOY it JOYfully!

I have a lot of clients who like their wine.

They say it calms them down after a stressful day.

They say they need their wine.

They think there’s something wrong with them for wanting to drink wine. For enjoying it.

They want me to help them stop.

They think this is why they can’t lose weight.

They say that after drinking their wine, they don’t care what they eat.

What if You Could enJOY the Wine?

What if you enjoy it and stop the minute you were through enjoying it?

What if you didn’t need it for anything, but just wanted it?

So what?

This is what I teach

You decrease your own stress.

You can enJOY any food you wish.

Some foods are considered joy foods because they really have no nutritional value.

Wine is a joy food (don’t argue with me here). The only rule I have for a joy food is enJOY it.

That means no deprivation. Just choosing to stop because the thrill is gone!

I teach mindfulness. Wine is a wonderful way to learn mindfulness.

With mindfulness, you enjoy it and stop the minute you were through enjoying it. With mindfulness, you don’t need it for anything, but just want it for enjoyment.

You drink some wine, sip by sip by sip, not glass by glass by glass.

You feel that joyful feeling and you notice when it plateaus or turns into something that’s not so joyful.

Then you stop.

If you don’t think you can stop, let’s talk. Just click here and schedule a free mini session with me.

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).” ~James Baraz

Dr. Deb
