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Food is Not the Problem

I just read an article in People Magazine (my favorite magazine to read for pleasure!) written by a famous talk show host.

The question was posed to her, “How do you handle food during the holidays?” Such a great question in this food-obsessed culture. You know what she said? She pours cleanser on her favorite cookies to prevent her from eating too many.

Say what?? Why does she have to do this to herself? Does she not trust herself to be around her favorite cookies and NOT eat them? I think she divulged this information because she thought it was funny. But me? I found it sooo sad!!

That got me thinking – so many of my clients think these same thoughts. They don’t think they can control themselves around their favorite foods. I used to think the same way. I used to pour water over a bag of potato chips because I didn’t trust myself. Then I would throw them in the garbage. I didn’t even trust myself to throw the potato chips away unless they were destroyed first. I knew I would and could go back in the garbage and finish them off, and I DID!

I don’t do this anymore and neither do my most successful clients, because we have all learned the most important lesson around food: our thoughts create our results. If we believe we can’t control ourselves around food, we will set out to prove this to be true.

I encourage my clients to keep this kind of food around on purpose, so they can prove to them-selves once and for all that food is not their enemy, but how they think around food can become the enemy if they aren’t mindful (paying attention to what’s going on in the mind).

The holidays are here. What are you telling yourself about trusting yourself around food?

Can you stop eating when you’re full?

Can you enjoy all types of food and still stop the minute you are no longer enjoying it?

Can you look at, and be around, any type of food and know it will never enter your mouth unless you consciously decide to eat it and enjoy it?

If you answered no to any of these questions, let’s talk about what’s going on in your mind. If you believe that what you’re eating is the problem, I’m asking you to change that, and realize that what you’re thinking is the problem. I help people with their thinking. All the people I work with already know what to eat, but have no idea what they are thinking or what they should be thinking.

Are you ready for a new way of thinking for the New Year? Then let’s talk in a free mini session – let me help you think on purpose. Talk about enlightenment!

Happy New Year!
xo Dr. Deb
