>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

What do Menopause and Adolescence Have in Common?

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I’ve been reminiscing lately. I remember going through menopause and thinking: Who am I? What do I want to do with the rest of my life? And the most pervasive thought of all: Why can’t I lose weight again?

I also remember thinking those exact same thoughts in my adolescence.

But here’s the difference — in my adolescence, I had very little adult experience, whereas by menopause I had a lot. Therefore, I was much wiser during menopause than adolescence. In both cases, though, my hormones were kicking me FORWARD!! At least that’s the way I look at it now.

At age 50, I began the process of changing my profession and, at the same time, I stopped dieting (I threw my lifetime Weight Watcher’s card away) and got a lot of coaching to help me move forward, which my body and mind were begging me to do.

Now, I don’t have anything against Weight Watchers and I love Oprah. I think the most helpful thing I learned from Weight Watchers is that I can eat anything I want. What wasn’t helpful, however, was the belief system that I needed something outside of me to control how much I ate.

What I learned during menopause and working with a weight coach is that control comes from inside of me, not outside. That realization was freeing — it definitely took some hard ass work to undo the mentality that I had developed and ingrained over years of dieting. I realized I was depending on someone else to tell me what to do and what to eat.

So, as I was undoing my mind around food, I also started undoing my mind around my career. And, as you know, I now do Coaching more than Chiropractic work, all thanks to Menopause and my hormones.

I used my wisdom during Menopause to help me make decisions based on what I really, really, really wanted. I wanted to sit and “bend people’s minds.” And I did not want to depend on an external source of any kind to tell me what I needed, physically nor psychologically. I wanted to depend on myself – that’s what I did then, and now it’s what I teach.

If you’re going through menopause and you know there has to be a better way to treat your body, and you KNOW there has to be a better way to live your life, then YOU are right! And YOU know the answer.

It all starts with the simple truth that YOU are the only one who knows the answers. As a coach, my role is to help you discover what you already know, and to help you connect to your very own wisdom that you have been developing for years. It’s so close you can “taste” it.

Click here and let’s talk.

Dr. Deb

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