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Rewire Your Brain

My dear client’s daughter is getting ready to have a baby. It’s her first grandchild.

Her daughter is staying with her for now because it’s closer to work.

She’s so happy to have her daughter close to her where she can take care of her.

She told me she was cooking all weekend to make sure her daughter had a lots of healthy food around. She wants to make sure her daughter is taking excellent care of herself.

This same client has hired me to help her learn to take excellent care of HER-self.


You get where I’m going here.

It’s kind of like my pet story a couple of weeks ago.

Why is it that when it comes to the people and pets we love most, we are vigilant with their care. They get the best of everything…food, time, play, sleep.

Yet, when it comes to YOU…

Rewire for You

This is what I know for sure after years of coaching…YOU know how to do this…YOU just have to have a good reason to do it.

Ask yourself why it’s worth it to take care of your daughter, but not yourself?

I can tell you that most of my clients and myself have wrestled with this worthiness issue.

It runs deep in many of us.

But since your brain knows how to do this, it just needs to be redirected to YOU.

LOVE directed towards yourself. It feels so good.

Just ask your daughter.

There’s a saying in the brainy community that goes “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Rewire your brain for your own worthiness, by practicing your own BELIEVABLE thoughts.

For instance, “I am worthy of my own love.” Think it like you mean it, and before you know it…YOUR brain will believe you. Then step back and watch the miracle of mindfulness.
