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The Beauty of Our Imperfections

Happy Holidays to all my fabulous peeps! I want to share my sister Katie Bensky’s sculpture with you, at this time, specifically because of the holidays and all of the vulnerability they bring up inside us. Katie explains that the sculpture, called Broken Open, “speaks to the human being’s desire to hide our inadequacies and the courage to be vulnerable. It depicts how imperfections enhance one’s beauty, and the light from the human spirit is illuminated through these ‘cracks’ we all share as human beings.”

Cracks and Imperfections

I am getting older. So are YOU! I have some big cracks that you cannot see, and I have some big wrinkles that are quite visible. Where does my beauty come from? Where does your beauty come from? Does it come from a lack of wrinkles or cracks? Or, does real beauty come BECAUSE of them? Cracks that have given you a new perspective on life; a different way of relating to your fellow human beings?

I am choosing to becoming “softer,” and more vulnerable, as I accept my new cracks. I think that this is adding to my own beauty, and helping me see the real beauty in you as well.

Can I think I’m falling apart after being broken open, only to find, later on, that I’ve come back together – cracks, wrinkles, and all? Never to see the world, or my world, the same way again. And also never to be seen the same from the outside.

I’m asking you to redefine beauty this holiday season. Give yourself the true gift of seeing your own real beauty, which, of course, helps you see others in that same light.

May you have the COURAGE to have your spirit SHINE brighter than ever this holiday season!!

xo Dr. Deb

P.S My holiday book recommendation: “Broken Open,” by Elizabeth Lesser.
