>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

The Gift of Start

I just got through with my yoga class.

I feel so darn good.

This is one way that I exercise.

My body and mind feel at peace.

This is a feeling that is very important to me.

And I know how to give it to myself.

This is my gift to myself.

I love me so much and thank me so much when I’m done for getting me to this fantastic feeling!

When I’m working with clients some think exercise is something that they should do.

What I notice is when “should” starts a sentence, it’s never followed by a good feeling.

So, what do you tell yourself about exercise? Is it something you should do or want to do?

If I KNOW how I’m going to feel when I’m done, and I do!

That’s what I tell myself when I’m starting.

For instance, I don’t always start with wanting to go to yoga.

So I can choose to think about how hard it is to get there and all the things I could be doing instead…

OR, I can CHOOSE to DECIDE ahead of time, how I’m gonna feel when I’m done and let that be what motivates me to start.

The moral of this story?


Dr. Deb
