>>> Jumpstart Your Weight Loss In Menopause Guide

Coaching with Dr. Deb

This month has been amazing and I’m wanting to share my wisdom. Instead of simply getting older, I want to be more mindful about getting wiser. I now consider myself an Elder in this world, and I believe it is my role at this time in my life to pass on my wisdom as Elders in all cultures have always done.

At the beginning of the month I had the privilege of teaching with my mentor, Brooke Castillo, again in El Dorado Hills, California. She had 25 people come from all over the world to learn to become a Life Coach. It was a six day INTENSIVE process, and I LOVED it!! The style of coaching that she teaches is like no other, and I can say that the reason why I’m such a fabulous coach (Don’t judge me!) is because of her special process and teachings!!


(from right to left) Me, Brooke Castillo (founder of The Life Coach School), Suyin Nichols (Master Coach and my partner in this endeavor)

Most of you know that I’ve practiced Chiropractic for over 30 years, and to my delight I have discovered that my passion for Coaching has not only reached my passion for Chiropractic, but has now surpassed it. Who knew 30 years ago that I would successfully and passionately have more than one career? Who knew that at 62 I’d be starting again with more FIRE WITHIN ME than I ever had when I was 30 years old. I’m semiretired from Chiropractic and engaging in a whole new career–Coaching and Teaching. This is my way as an Elder to pass on my wisdom to YOU.

Just so you know, this whole transformation started when I was going through menopause (Read my about page). So, if you’re going through Menopause or have passed it, get ready for the ride of your life. Menopause is all about change (notice my butterfly) and as your body changes it truly has the ability to catapult you into your next stage. I’ve learned through menopause to be much more connected to my body–to love it, honor it and LISTEN to it. That’s how I got here!! And now I can help you get here, too!

My sweet sister in law  gave this to me after my intense 6 day teaching.
