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What Do Slowing Down and Menopause Have in Common?

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By the time we hit our 40s and 50s, many of us are just plain exhausted. You’ve been racing around most of your life, trying to get more and more of MORE. And on top of this, your body is changing at an alarming speed. Are you starting to doubt whether this approach is working?

Welcome to Menopause – it’s time to pause and slow down.

We’re all very buzzzzy running around. Just ask someone how they are – usual response? “I’m very busy.” Busy doing what? My answer: getting more.

Something I have noticed as a physician and a life coach is that, unfortunately, we are all so fast-paced, always running to where we want to be, that many of us are forced to slow down through illness or breakage or the most natural response – menopause. Mark Nepo goes on to say in his lovely book, The Book of Awakening, “In this we are funny creatures. If we could see ourselves from far enough away, we would seem like a colony of insects, running into things, repeatedly: thousands of little determined beings butting into obstacles, shaking our little heads and bodies and running into things again.”

Menopause is the body’s way of saying PAUSE – stop running into walls. It’s time for a change. Isn’t menopause known as “The Change”? If you’ve been dieting your whole life, you’ve probably noticed that your diet doesn’t work like it used to. You are probably also noticing that your body isn’t working like it used to either. This seems to be one of those times in a woman’s life when she is underwhelmed with her life thus far, but overwhelmed with what she has given herself to do.

I think menopause is an invitation to reconnect with your body. If you’re trying to lose weight and it’s harder than ever – WHY? If you’re so busy that you’re not enjoying the life you worked so hard to have – WHY?

Pause! Let’s talk and find out WHY.

Dr. Deb

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