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You Are Not Your Number

I’m 62.9 years old, I weigh 144 lbs, I wear a size 10.

What do you think about me?

Am I old?
Skinny, happy, sad…?

What are your numbers and what do you make them mean about you?

What you think about your numbers determines more about how you’re doing in your life than the number itself.

Whatever your mind THINKS will determine how you FEEL which will determine what you DO, which will determine your RESULT.

What we all want is to feel good about ourselves regardless of our weight, age, dress size, etc. But we go around believing our crazy thoughts about what the number means without even realizing we have a choice about what we want to think.

For instance, I got on the scale at the doctor’s office a couple of weeks ago and I weighed 146.5. Before I knew it my mind was off to the races.

First thought was, “I’m getting fat” (thought), and that made me (feel) hopeless, which I then started to berate myself with horrible words I would use on no one, but me (action), and the result of these actions was I wanted to go hide in a corner and eat a bag of potato chips so I could feel better fast!

HOWEVER, I caught myself at the wanting to get potato chips and reexamined this crazy thought that I’m getting fat because the scale said I was 2.5 lbs heavier! Really?!

So here’s what I did in about 2 minutes or less, I said to myself, “Deb, are you really getting fat because the number on the scale says this, or are you getting fat, because your mind just told you something ludicrous that you just believed that might actually lead you to gaining weight?

So, I came up with a new thought that could determine a much better feeling, which was,”2.5 lbs doesn’t make me fat! It’s just 2.5 lbs, for pete’s sake, it’s just a frickin number, and you are so good at knowing how to take care of your body, just continue to take care of it.”

Now, I feel empowered, because I know how to take care of my body. I walked out of that office with my head up high, feeling good and going to my office to spread my good stuff to all the patients and clients that I was going to see that day. I looked and felt great! All from my new thought that I chose from MY mind.

Research says that we think thousands of thoughts a day… and as you can see, it can make or break your day or your life.

I call myself the mind body doctor because I work on minds and bodies.

Does your mind need some “doctoring”? What are you making your numbers mean?

Are you ready to change your mind and body? Listen to this podcast below where I do “duet coaching” (coaching two people at a time) on just this topic!

Right-click here to download this audio for playback at your convenience.
